Ugly American

CRank: 5Score: 18310

From these screens and the other ones that have been released, it looks pretty solid to me. I cannot wait. Especially for the 4 player co-op.

6170d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have plenty of great games on my 360 to tide me over to Halo 3...

and then BAM! Playstation 3 goodness starts at the end of this year. I have initially been angry that I bought a PS3 to wait until now to get something REALLY good for it, but now I am glad because I have the original hardware that comes with 100%(or close to) backwards compatability.

It is a really good time to be a gamer. Kind of crappy time to be a fanboy of any console.

6174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ain't USED to be not a word. Ain't is in fact a word since it was added to the Webster's Dictionary years ago... like almost 15 to 20 years ago. It is still crappy English, but it is a word. So there.

6175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have three 360's, two broke... but my Wii ALSO broke. My PS3 works except for a few software glitches here and there. But I wouldn't advise anyone to actually BUY a PS3 until some games come out for it. It just sits underneath my TV waiting for something other than a new BLU-Ray movie.

6175d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

My PS3 has done a great job at collecting dust. I finished Resistance... beat Motorstorm. Now I am waiting for a decent new game. I got rid of all of my PS2 games a long time ago. I suppose if I still had them, I might play them.

I play a ridiculous amount of games on my 360. Oblivion(why would I buy it twice?), Gears, Viva Pinata(I know...but it is fun, damnit), Ghost Recon 2, Guitar Hero 2, Halo 2, Rainbox Six 6(Again, why would I buy it twice?)... The real problem for...

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have bought three Xbox 360's. I bought one on launch day which worked fine until this past April. Out of nowhere with no indications that things were heading south, the DVD drive crapped out. I bought another one last August for my wife. It got the three red rings of death, also this past April. I bought my third 360 after the first one crapped out, and I had to pick that up in Dubai since I am in the Navy and was underway when it happened.

All of that being said, I ha...

6179d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Tell that to my two 360's that have had the disc scratching problem. Both have been laying horizontal and both have ended up grinding on my discs. One finally rubbed so hard on the disc that it no longer works. The other one is my wife's and gets less play time, but I imagine it will have the EXACT same issue before too long.

I picked up a new Xbox 360 in Dubai for $460.00. I figured it was about as much as I would pay with taxes. So I will get the first broken one fixed(i...

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks like a Blackberry keyboard... which is a proven method for quick text chat. I would rather be dealing with that than a full sized keyboard.

And to whoever said: "Give me a bluetooth keyboard..." I don't need random letters being typed without me even touching the keyboard. I am SO sick of sneaking up behind somebody in Resistance just so my gun can go off randomly before I get to them. That is the greatness that is bluetooth.

6285d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can just do what I do... create a new profile called: Party and use it when people come over to screw around. You can leave your profile for all of your solo gaming.

6285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have two games for my PS3:
Resistance and Motorstorm.

For Motorstorm to be at the top doesn't really seem to be that big of a deal. C'mon Lair... or Heavenly Sword...

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is a guy whose Xbox 360 is working perfectly going to search out this survey just so he can answer it HASN'T broken down? More than likely not, unless he is a fanboy. Somebody already said it:

This is an unscientific survery. There is ZERO random sampling which is a requirement for a legitimate survery.

All of that being said, I had my launch 360 crap out three weeks ago. I might have jarred it a little bit when I was moving it around, but not enough to warra...

6295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This just goes back to the end of the console wars. If all of the consoles have all of the same games, you are going to end up seeing one console, period. Or maybe everybody will just own a PC.

That being said, I think it is awesome that the PS3 is getting some more games. I think the PS3 only owners will enjoy some more good games, and the Xbox 360 only gamers SHOULDN'T care two licks. This is gaming at its finest.

As I have said before, if I have to choose...

6300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As far as the 360 goes, there have been no rough seas, and I packed it and brought it onboard myself. It is a launch 360, so there will be no taking it back. *I did move it from one location to another...and if that is enough to break the DVD I do have an engineer onboard who is willing to take it apart and try to fix it. We'll see.*

The PS3 thing really has me fired up, too. Resistance is the best game I have for the PS3, and it is basically non-playable now....

6317d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am underway right now in the Navy. My 360 drive decided to start rubbing against the discs which apparently makes it less able to read them. i.e. it is basically broke. And I have no way of getting a new one until we pull into a port somewhere, and then I have to hope the place we pull in HAS 360's. Ridiculous. I got it on launch day... so now I am just outide of that great 1 year warranty.

But my PS3 is having issues as well. Great. I have a 60 gig harddrive, but it i...

6318d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The first time I played the PS3 at Target, I was bored of the Motorstorm demo and tried for about 5 minutes to figure out how to quit out of the demo. There was(and still is)no onscreen cueing for how to quit out of a game on the harddrive. When I was at Best Buy the next time, it finally dawned on me to jam on the guide button. Sure enough, there was my answer.

My point...none of the new consoles, except for MAYBE the Wii, are really that intuitive if you pick them up witho...

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is that you are a little girl and you like the Wii? Rock on, Sally, rock on.

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you read your posts? You sound like a pissed off 13 year old.

"Halo 2 wasn't that good. People played it though because they didn't have PC's to show them that it was a pretty lame shooter compared to PC games. I'm not a Halo fan and i never will be. Ask any computer nerd the same question. Go to a PC LAN party and see what happens if you ask to play Halo. It's a joke!"--- Halo 2 not being good is your opinion. That is it. That is not a fact. And Halo, in my o...

6341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anybody here use Itunes? I was going to start talking about just CD's, like FirstKnight, but now I can get my favorite television shows. For me, this is awesome, because in a foreign country, all I have to do is hit a WiFi spot, download, and back to the boat to watch it while we are underway. Oh, and movies, too. The nice part about the music on Itunes is I can make a PHYSICAL copy if I so desire.

Tivo? Wait, wait, wait. But I want to keep physical recordings on VHS or D...

6347d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a PS3, but I have this real issue where I would rather have it on my 360. I want the gamer points. I want to be able to be on Xbox Live. And I want to be able to listen to whatever music I want.

It might be better for this thing to stay exclusive to the PS3 just so I have a reason to KEEP my PS3 besides MGS4.

I do support that this game is not just a PS game though. I played the crap out of this on my Xbox(and wish it was backwards compatible on my...

6349d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not able to view the videos/pictures since I am underway right now, and the bandwidth is not conducive to anything other than text. I have no idea what these "damning" videos look like, but I have been playing DVDs on my 360 out here on the boat with my Sony television and besides the drive being loud, it looks no different than when I play those same DVDs on my PS3. And then I take them out and play them on my computer and a standalone.

I am not saying this ...

6352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment